What time is it in Cancun? As of February 1, 2015, Cancun is on Eastern Time and does not observe Daylight Saving Time.
The average temperature in Cancun is (26C) 79F. The coolest months are January and February and the hottest time in Cancun is June and July. Although the temperature does not vary much throughout the year, there are two distinct seasons in Cancun. The wet season starts in May and goes to October and it is slightly hotter. Cancun's dry season is from November to April and is much cooler.
Weather-wise, the best time of year to travel to Cancun is during the dry season's coolest months, which are January and February. March and April are the driest months of the year, and also the sunniest months in Cancun. Humidity is high in Cancun, often around 80%. April and May offer the lowest months for humidity.
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