November 18 weather – hour by hour

This morning started off cool and cloudy. At 7 AM it was drizzling rain, but that changed quickly. By 9:30 AM the clouds had broken up and it was mostly clear.

At 10:30 AM it was 75F (24C) and clear.
Wind is 8 MPH from the north.
Humidity 69%

11:30A AM – spitting rain just a tiny bit. Partly cloudy.
79F (26C)

1 PM – Cloudy again. No rain yet, but it looks like it might rain soon.
77F (25C)

2 PM – very cloudy but has not rained any.
77F (25C)

3:30 PM – very cloudy, windy.
73F (23C)

5 PM – starting to get dark early because of the cloud cover. I took my dogs on a 30 min walk and when we got about 3 blocks from home it POURED on us. We ran home, soaking wet. No fun at all. The downpour lasted about 20 min.

6 PM – fully dark now, clear and cool. It is still t-shirt and shorts weather, but some folks might like a light jacket.